PTSD or Thyroid Disorder. Is America Once Again Misleading Us?

March 25, 2023

As a 47-year-old Black woman living in America, I have learned not to take my health for granted. But recently, I have begun to question whether America has once again misled me when it comes to two specific health issues: post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and thyroid disorders.

When it comes to PTSD, I have always associated it with military veterans or survivors of violent crimes. But as I have learned more about this condition, I have realized that it can affect anyone who has experienced trauma, including childhood abuse, domestic violence, or racial discrimination. However, it seems that the medical community and society as a whole are still slow to recognize and address the impact of trauma on mental health.

Moreover, I have also discovered that PTSD is often misdiagnosed or overlooked in Black women due to the stereotype of the “strong Black woman.” We are expected to endure and overcome any challenge, but this can lead to ignoring our own mental and emotional well-being. As a result, many of us suffer in silence, not realizing that our symptoms of anxiety, depression, and hypervigilance may be signs of PTSD.

Similarly, when it comes to thyroid disorders, I have learned that America’s healthcare system may not have our best interests in mind. As a Black woman, I have a higher risk of developing thyroid disorders, yet the symptoms are often dismissed or attributed to other health issues. For example, fatigue and weight gain are often assumed to be a result of poor diet or lack of exercise, rather than a thyroid problem.

Moreover, I have discovered that many doctors rely solely on blood tests to diagnose thyroid disorders, even though these tests are not always accurate. This means that many of us may be struggling with undiagnosed thyroid disorders, which can have serious consequences for our overall health and well-being.

It is frustrating to feel as though America’s healthcare system is failing us, but as a Black woman, I refuse to let this discourage me from taking control of my own health. I encourage all women, especially Black women, to educate ourselves about PTSD, thyroid disorders, and other health issues that may affect us disproportionately. We must advocate for ourselves and demand that the medical community provides us with the care and support we deserve.

In conclusion, America may be misleading us when it comes to PTSD and thyroid disorders, but we have the power to take control of our own health and well-being. Let’s educate ourselves, speak up, and demand the care and attention that we deserve.

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